All legal assistance is at no out of pocket expense to you.

The New York licensed attorneys to whom we may refer you, have the expertise and know-how to negotiate the best terms for you based on your needs and current situation. Whether you’d like to stay in your home, or sell it, all possible options will be thoroughly explained to help you navigate towards the best solution for you. Loan modification, mortgage forgiveness, grants, relocation assistance programs, and short sales are all possible options you may qualify for while preventing your lender from requesting a deficiency from you.

They have the staff in place that understands the intricacies of the short sale process. All workflow and procedures are in place to ensure the process is as smooth and transparent as possible, while keeping you “in the loop” throughout the entire process.

Their executive level contacts at major lending institutions, along with a servicer to expedite the process, will be used to escalate files for timely responses and favorable decisions.

DISCLAIMER: Home Relief USA LLC D/B/A NYS Home Relief is a privately funded company with owners who are real estate agents associated with Keller Williams, a New York licensed real estate broker and does not offer legal or accounting advice. The company self-funds its home owner assistance program by committing a portion of its earnings from its real estate services. The company is privately owned, for profit, and is not associated directly or indirectly with any local, state, or federal governmental agency or program. For certain services, it may direct you to an attorney who may be able to assist you if you are a New York resident. Our goal is to assist you in obtaining such services without any required upfront outlay of money. For more information, visit company cannot guarantee any outcome. Before entering into any agreement, it is recommended that you get legal advice from an independent attorney.